Thursday, July 19, 2012

Liebster Award

Jennie nominated me for the:

 Thanks Jennie!
 I would tag people but I'm lazy and have no idea who to tag, but I wanted to fill out the survey :)

1- If you won a shopping spree, to a store of your choice, what would you pick?
Oooh, this is a tough one! I LOVE shopping but I'm very picky. I want to say American Eagle because I LOVE their pants, but its a hit or miss with tops.. and then I'm in love with Victoria's secret..Ah! 
2- What is a quote or motto, you/your family, live by?
"Life Goes On" because it really does. No matter what happens, it always goes on. With or without certain people, good times or bad. And if you go with life.. things always change and get better if you let them :) 
3- Who is your favorite actor and actress?
My favorite actor has to be Zach Braff (he's from scrubs if ya didn't know) He's SO funny and just so darn stinkin cute. My favorite actress would have to be Helena bonham carter. It's awesome how many roles shes been in and how much she changes from role to role. She's such a strange person and I like her for it!

4- Name one thing on your bucket list?
Definetly to travel! I really want to go to everywhere! I would love to go to Egypt, Ireland, Paris, London, Thailand, Japan and peru! If I can't go everywhere, I'd love to go to those places.
5- What is a movie you could quote start to finish?
Hmm.. I'm the type of person that watches a movie once and I'm done.. with the exception of Harry Potter. But I could probably quote a lot from napoleon dynamite. :)
6- What is your most recent favorite "addiction'?
KFC double downs (don't judge!) and Hershey almond bars. mmm mmm Of course it's food. :)
7- What did/do you want to be when you grow up?
A doctor.. and I was very gung ho  about doing this a few years back.. well of course life got the best of me and there's probably NO chance for that to happen but I also had a dream to be a teacher which I very much want to do.
8- Is your life what you thought it would be when you were younger?
NO. Probably the complete opposite.
9- If you could live in someone else's shoes for one day, who would it be?
I honestly have no idea. Maybe someone who has the opposite life I do.. the little family. I want to see if that IS what I want. I want to see what its like to have a husband, and be a housewife.
 10- What is your favorite treat?
What isn't my favorite treat would be a easier answer.. haha but of course I'm going to go with CUPCAKES!
11- What do you do to relax and unwind?
 Sit on the floor and place with Ev or watch TV.
TV is a very, very bad guilty pleasure.. lol

1 comment:

  1. haha my addiction answer would be food to, no worries. I'm a food junkie, its ridiculous. give me a bag of peanut butter m&m's and diet coke and I'm good! hahaha. thanks for answering!
