Wednesday, November 26, 2014

This week

Monday 11/24/2014 I graduated from Dental assisting school!
It went by WAY to fast and I'm pretty sure I'll miss it! but I am excited to have my saturdays back, it will make the weekend feel A LOT longer.
I passed my course with a 91% which I wish was a lot higher but I'm OK with that score!

Its crazy that a few months ago I was needing to make a big change in my life and at that point I was only dreaming of going back to school. I didnt really think that I would do it. but I did it and now I'm done! I remember right after I had gone tour my school I was saying, I HAVE to do this, no I WILL do this. but I wasnt entirely sure it would work out but it did. I'm pretty proud of myself!

My next step was getting a job as a dental assistant. I had a couple interviews, the first one was WAY awkward ad the second one went well but they decided they were not hiring. so I had been feeling a little hopeless.

I know I just go a new job but I really want to break into the dental field. someway or another. Thats where I want to go in my career so its vital to me to get into that path ASAP. Plus with my current job the computer systems drive me NUTS and I feel like I'm not cut out for everything that needs to be done here.  So I thought it was time to FIND a dental job.


I FOUND ONE! Its not exactly dental assisitng, its treatment planning for dental services which is sort of what I do now but with an ACTUAL computer system and not some shotty one. and they pay more and I still get Fridays off. and I GOT IT haha

I start december 8th and I'm SO HAPPY. I get to use things i learned and they are building a bigger office and I have the chance to move to chairside if I please. so we will see :)

My mom had to get surgery today.. its honestly a GOOD thing. Surgery sucks but it was to remove her ovaries. Her breast cancer is caused from excessive estrogen and her ovaries were still working although she had a hysterectomy over 10 years ago. The medication she takes to shut off her ovaries made her really sick and gave her bad symptoms like high blood sugar. So it was VERY nesscacary to have this done and she was excited to have this done! So far everything has gone great and she will be able to come home today!

I'm getting excited for thanksgiving tomorrow!
and I've made the decision to go black friday shopping tomorrow. I have never been! Mostly because my family isnt into it and I never have fridays off after thanks giving. but this year I do! so I think I'll go. Plus Garrett said he'd go with me so I have somebody to help me with the crowd lol so we will see if I actually end up going! I really want to get some good deals on toys for Ev. I know she will wanting frozen stuff which is going to be a pain in the ass to get because thats what every little girl will want!

Can you believe its almost Christmas? Can you believe that 2014 only has a little over a month left? eeek.

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