Thursday, March 6, 2014

Potty time

So the time has come to attempt potty training. Since I'm currently in funemployment (you say unemployment, I say FUNemployment) I figured it was the perfect time to get miss EV potty trained. She's gone in the potty before but she tends to fight it a little. She did go through a phase of which she asked constantly to go, but I was at work and I know its difficult for my mom to potty train her by herself. Plus its my responsibility, although my mom told me way back in the day that she would potty train my kids lol.

So today was day one. From what I hear its a 3 day process. But every child is different.

So I decided to set a timer for every 30 minutes. EV found it exciting when the timer went off and would jog her butt to the potty. Although she didn't like sitting for long. I did find that painting toenails and having her watch potty videos on YouTube helped her stay on the potty longer. She also had her leap pad. I put a diaper on her to nap and sadly she peed during her nap but I still made her sit on the potty.

And guess what, she pooped on the potty!

She also peed on the floor but we only had one second. Towards the end of the day she got tired of the potty.. but I still made her go. Before bed (I put her in a diaper for bed) she was talking about panties and asked me about my big girl panties, she also tried to show me her panties but she was disappointed to see she had a diaper on. Lol I asked what panties she wanted to wear tomorrow her princess, Minnie, hello kitty, Thursday or her superhero undies but her response was "socks, hehehe " lol followed by a "I so funny!" Did I mention I love her guts? But I think it was a good start to potty training but who knows what tomorrow will bring!

Grandma made Ev a promise that if she pooped on the potty she would take her to  chuck e cheese. So EV gets to go to chuck e cheese! One freaky my kid is smart moments is, after she pooped it was time to make dinner. Ev got in the pantry and dumped out a box of microwave popcorn bags and handed me the box saying chuck e cheese! I was all sorts of confused until I noticed that chuck e cheese was on the box and it had a coupon for free tokens. Can you say freeeeaky? I know EV is smart but sometimes she blows me away with what she knows.

I seriously love EV. She is one hilarious kid and she never fails to make me smile or laugh. I love that she's attached to my hip lately although it can be a little much. I just love that she needs me and wants me to be around all of the time. I do miss working and I'm excited to get a new job, but I sure do love this extra time with my love bug!

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