Monday, October 7, 2013

Like bein stuck in the mud

You ever have that time in life where you just don't know what your next step should be. This can't be all there is in life. My life isn't bad per say.. it isn't easy, but whose is? I just need something more out of life, whether it be a new home, a new job a new something. I just need a change a big change. I try to be patient and know that life will get better with time but sometimes it sucks waiting for life to happen. I have to make it happen. 
I really just feel stuck. I feel like theres something more out there but for some reason I'm completely lost on to where it is. 
There has to be more
there has to be something, someone, anything out there.
I don't want to be the type who needs a man, but sometimes it would be nice to have someone around to help.. sometimes it would be nice to have someone to plan a future with. but I'm not counting on anything.. definitely not holding my breath 

I just want to find my next big break that will lead me to where I'm meant to go. I don't want to sit here idle and wait.

I just want life to happen, I'm ready. I'm ready for new and different. I just need a little push and motivation. I want to get to where I need to be. I want to work hard a reap the benefits of it. I just want that little something that life is all about. I want to be excited about the future. I hate feeling stuck.

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