Sunday, September 9, 2012

Oh, hello there!

Hello everybody!

I've seemed to have not been blogging as much. I come up with a great blog idea and then I think, uh no..maybe not and then I take a nice little nap instead.. but I'm bored and I love blogging so I guess this is what I'll do!

So the weekend is over.. bummer. I love weekends. I love not doing anything and I love just hanging out and enjoying life. Cause that's what its all about right?

Recent events in my life well, I have gotten a new job! The one I'm in is a temporary job and as much as I love it and want to stay.. I know I can't. but with that said I GOT A NEW JOB! :) and its working with my best friend Rachel. I will be a receptionist at a drug rehabilitation clinic and I'm way excited! I like that I'm in a medical setting too. :) Funny story.. So you know with new jobs you usually have to do a drug test? well of course for this job I had to. So I filled up full of diet pepsi so I could get my drug test done. I drove all the way from south salt lake to midvale to pick up the drug screen papers and fill out a form so they can do a background check. (mind you this is in traffic hour and midvale is a hot mess of a construction zone) I leave and see that I need to go back to literally down the street from where i work to do the test.. which is fine because its on the way home technically. So I get through this shit storm of traffic (I don't get very far) and I get a call saying I left my lisence at the place. Damn. I did not want to go back and get it through all of the traffic. I was going to call back and tell them to keep my lisence until Monday and I'd pick it up. When I realized A. I needed my lisence to have a drug test done and B. I was going to go out this weekend and I would need it. haha so I went back and got it and then made my way back. I drive all the way back to south salt lake and it takes me a million years to find the stupid place because my GPS on my phone is a confusing POS. I found it and I went in and did the paperwork blah, blah, blah.. and then I find out that I would not be peeing in a cup. They were cutting some hair off instead. Not just a little hair. a whole freaking clump of it! NO JOKE. You could have made a barbie wig with how much hair they cut off! Plus he cut off a piece with some blonde highlights in it. Shit ain't cheap homes, thanks for that.  And now I have a SUPER AWESOME bald spot. yay!

Then later that evening I went to a nice "slumber" party. Those are always a hoot haha

and the next day was saturday and I hung out with Ev all day and it was fun! She was in such a good mood and SO happy and it was such a blast to sit and play toys. We even took a nice two hour nap! I love that girl so much! She's learned to give kisses really good. For example, we were playing toys and she was playing with her rubber ducks. (She LOVES ducks!) and all of the sudden she gave her duck a kiss! It was so sweet and I asked her to kiss all of her toys and she did. Plus she loves giving ME kisses. She will just randomly give me a hug and big old kiss. Oh, I love it! She just makes my whole heart melt!!
Then later that night I went out with a very special someone :)

Then today has been a sleepy day at home. Which I don't mind.

but lets discuss Ev further. She is a total chocolate freak! She will mow anyone over for chocolate! Since shes made a hobby out of ripping out my pumpsites, I decided everytime she touches mine, I will cry. She doesnt like it and will give me a big hug to say sorry.. and then do it again. Shes also been so happy and cheery lately. For example we had a snuggle sesh this morning and when it was time to wake up she danced for joy! Then she danced for joy all throughout yo gabba gabba and eating fruity pebbles. Seriously this girl is a ham and makes me smile and laugh more than anyone I know! I love her so much.


  1. Oh my. i hate when things like that happens. Leaving things places is one of the worst things!
    Hehe. i know who! :)

  2. Ummm who is this special someone??? ;) Dont leave me hangin! Haha. Jk, but I am happy for you about the new job, and the special someone, and of course your little cutie patootie Ev!
