Wednesday, August 1, 2012

SO irritated!

Here I am about to go off on politics again..

but my HELL, this chick fila thing has me heated!

How are people so gross? On the news talking about "biblical" marriages? When I get married, by NO means will it be "biblical" and yes I'll be marrying a man. I'm NOT religious, I do NOT believe in it. I do believe in God however, and to be honest I do NOT believe God is this human-like person we make God out to be. God is NOT human, God is NOT something you can put into a physical form. We personalize God like he's going to swoop down and have a little chat. No.. God is something you can't define.

Just because YOU don't believe in something, doesn't mean that it isn't true. I don't believe in religion.. does that make it not true? No. It makes it what YOU as the person want it to be. Just because I don't believe in religion, should I stop you from practicing it? Should I make it so YOU can't go to church? Because I and as I'm sure many other people don't believe in it? NO! It shouldn't. YOU have your beliefs, I have mine and millions of other people have their own!

We are ALL people. No matter how we look, what we do and where we go. We are ALL human beings and our DNA will tell you exactly so. People say they are defending the "freedom of speech" well your using that as a scam to take away rights. God forbid we take the "right to bare arms" away! Let's have a little scenario where the government takes away STRAIGHT peoples right to bare arms. If you're married in a "traditional" marriage, you can no longer have guns. Only if you're gay, can you have guns (obviously to protect themselves from the bible folk) tell me what would happen then?

I'm not one to go to gay pride or do things just to support gay rights because like I said I believe in HUMAN rights, gay straight, whatever. I don't think we need to classify ourselves as race, religion, or sexual preference. Race, religion and sexuality are PERSONAL traits and they should be kept PERSONAL. I don't care what church you go to, I don't care what or who attracts you and I don't care if your black, white or whatever. If you're a person living on this earth, you have my respect and I want nothing for people to be happy! It's until a human takes happiness away from other humans, do I lose respect.

It's just a big complicated mess, but the sheer disrespect for humans is sick. How dare people support oppression and rights being withheld and taken away. Having your opinion is one thing but supporting religious oppression is another. WE are NOT all religious so have respect for that.


  1. haha. I love your rants! :) you bring up a lot of good points. Will the opposing side listen.. no, probably not. I am a very open minded person when it comes to things like that. I like to listen to other peoples sides of things because it helps me choose what is right and wrong.. not what I believe in, because that is different. But what is humanly right or humanly wrong. I have noticed that people are very closed minded and even if you put the truth in front of their faces they dont want to see it. People are always going off their beliefs in religion rather than their beliefs as a human. Its all so wrong to me. I cant even read the paper or watch the news because I get angry!

  2. One thing I have always wondered.. My grandma is very republican. She cannot stand obama, she doesnt like "gay" she is a little racists I think... but her own daughter.. my mom is gay. Not even my moms mother can accept the fact that she is gay. she says its my moms choice... even though my mom has always been gay but married a man and had kids because she thought she HAD to because it was the NORMAL thing to do and my grandma would have DISOWNED her. my mom has always been gay and us kids knew it before she even told us. But my grandma denies the fact that she is gay. She is one of the people who is taking her own daughters rights away. how sad hu?!
