Thursday, August 2, 2012

11 months old!

My sweet little lady is 11 months old today!

that means she is 1 month away from being the big O-N-E.

I'm not sure I'm ready for this. For some reason I feel a sort of calm about her being 11 months.. who knows how I'll feel when she is one. It's honestly crazy to look back and realize how fast this year has gone by. So much has changed. To think this weekend is the derby.. last years derby I showed up WAAAY pregnant and ran into a certain someone.. which in turn opened up a can of worms and I welcomed him back only to be left again. It's been a struggle to overcome that.. and to think that its been almost a whole year since he's been gone. Hes missed out on A LOT. But he doesn't care and neither do I.

But it does break my heart, because he'll never get it back.. and neither will I because its almost been a WHOLE year.. I remember bringing her home like it was yesterday. I remember the rush of panic I felt when I realized that my life completely changed and I'll NEVER be alone in my thoughts because I always have think of Ev and me. How crazy is it that my baby is going to be a little girl? I don't even know how to describe how I feel because it is so mind boggling. 

But this month Ev:

She has been crawling a TON. She is no where near walking yet in my opinion but we'll see!
She can say "mama" and "dog"
When she does not like what your doing (like taking something away, moving her) She will either growl (yes, growl) or throw a mini-fit which includes whining and flailing of the arms and kicking her feet.
She is VERY hyper and goofy. She seems to go nuts right before bed. She will climb on you, pull hair, shake you, bite you, blow raspberrys.
On that note she HAS to be snuggled to bed and she will only snuggle if you hold her laying on your left side.
but she does not sleep in my bed, she sleep in her crib, never had much of a problem transitioning her from bassinet sleeper to crib.
She loves eating. She LOVES cookies, cerealpuffs, yougurt bites and most of all the baby cheeto puffs!  She's a snacker like me..haha
She does love fruit still and she loves vegatebles now too. but she doesn't care for meat (which I had a very hard time eating while pregnant)
She loves big people food, like mashed potatoes..well ANY form of potato, french fries, baked patato ect. She loves cupcakes! well any cake.. haha she has a sweet tooth BAD.
She loves crawling into the kitchen and getting into the drawers. She finds the fridge a fascinating place.
She likes to find random things on the floor and put them in her mouth..most of the time they are dangerous and should not be in her mouth. Like little things she can choke on.
 She loves to eat paper.. literally tear up newspaper, magazine, receipts, anything she can get her hands on and eat it.
She loves to try and feed me. Especially half eaten cereal puffs. She laaaaaughs.
She still loves to dance and shake her pants. lol
She loves to play things like shes playing bongo drums, its cute!
She can make some high-pitched bird noises lol
She understands NO and she does not like to hear it. Expect a little fit when you say no. When she trys to eat something shes not suppose to she will turn her back so you can see her. lol
She loves remotes and phones and my camera. But not any remote or phone, the ones that work. she will not accept old broken cell phones or remotes.
She will not keep anything in order.. if its put away in a box..or for example if her little people are placed in the chairs or any sort of arrangment she will knock em over or dump whatever out.
She is too smart for her own good. She knows exactly how to escape, get to something I've hidden ect.
She knows how to shake her head NO.
and she has the bottom lip pout down to a T. little stink :) haha

I'm in for it. Theres always a ton more but I'm going to have to stop now haha

but Ev is seriously the light of my life.She keeps me busy and there's never a dull moment. She's HILARIOUS. There's times where I just laugh and laugh because she is so darn goofy. Plus everyone says she's my mini-me :) There's really no words to describe the amount of love I have for Ev. When I sit and think about how hard things will be as I go on raising her..I realize that its not that hard once I do it. She is just such a spunky little character and I'm so excited to see this personality develop. We are soul mates.

Well.. one last month and my baby will be ONE! Then no more monthly posts :( I'll probably keep you updated bi-monthly? hmm, we'll see :)

and this momma is off to VEGAS tomorrow! I'm very nervous and am having a TON of anxiety about it.. but I'm obligated to go as a bridesmaid.. so I'll try and have some fun :)
p.s. I DON'T want to leave Ev. :(

1 comment:

  1. Aw she is so big and cute Taylor! It's the best feeling to look at your daughter and see her adorable personality and know that you're the one helping her become HER! You're such a good momma!
