Sunday, July 29, 2012

Oh, Politics..

I really hate when people try to argue about politics with me. I try to respect other peoples opinions and I usually keep my to myself.

The whole chick-fila thing irritates me. I feel that as a business owner you should keep those politic topics to yourself, if you want your business to succeed. obviously if you state opinions, you will lose business to the people who disagree.
I as a non-religious person do not see why "gay" people cannot marry. I think that we need to remove the term "gay" from people because they are not a circus show, they are PEOPLE and they are held under the constitution just like ALL people are. I don't understand being gay, because I'm not but its not my place to tell them they are wrong.. they just like something different then I do. I don't have to understand, but I have to accept it. I'm sick of this "gay" rights nonsense. It should just be rights for ALL people. After all isn't that what the constitution states?

P.s. the Sarah Palin thing pissed me off, if you see that picture of facebook of her eating at chick-fila. What a HORRIBLE person.

first off I think EVERYONE on this planet has "sinned" at one point. (Hence her daughter) So don't spat out religious bullshit to me, I have NO right to tell someone they are a "sinner" because I am one too.  You have NO right to tell me what's right. You have NO right to state what's a sin and who's going to hell. Why? because you are NOT God, and Jesus is NOT God  and there is no subtext saying "JESUS LOVES EVERYONE...EXCEPT..." No.

I could go on but I'm not going to. I'm a very easygoing person and I respect all people for their beliefs. If YOU do not believe in gay marriage then DON'T marry the same sex. To each their own, do what makes YOU happy and respect people for doing what makes THEM happy. If you don't agree, well you don't have to but its not your place to take away rights from PEOPLE.

k I'm done!

1 comment:

  1. youre so funny! My mom is a lesbian. She has been her whole life, but didnt come out until I was 11. She went along with what people expected of her rather than what was right for her. But I would agree. People argue about politics a lot. And majority of the arguers arent even registered voters. I keep to myself a lot about politics as well because people tend to look at our differences rather than what we agree on and if they dont like the differences its like I am going to hell or something. Nobody respects anyone anymore. I am always willing to hear the other side, but if the other side isnt willing to hear my side then there is no point in having an adult conversation. I agree with your frustrations and rant! :)
